For a change, I am happy. For a change, I look forward to the future. There are things that are about to happen; things that are life-altering, that incite some much needed optimism, that scare the hell out of me, that I actually welcome into my meager life. Lets just say, its that time of […]
A dal to end all dals
– Boil Toor Dal – While the dal is on the stove, feel free to roam around, chat on the phone, watch tv, feed orphans, debate healthcare policy and write an op-ed about police brutality – Go back to the kitchen to find smoke, steam and bemused roommates who are wondering if it is better […]
Of Socialism – Part Deux
mcme……. I guess, taken on a scale of everything, nothing – leave alone socialism, would work. The catch lies in finding the balance. Basic necessities should not be part of the equation. People should not have to compete to get food, healthcare, shelter and the likes. The big inequality of it all lies in the […]
Of Socialism
Read this today….. An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then […]
Last of the omniscients
After spending six weeks with my dad, I always thought I would have enough material to do an la Dreams of My Father memoir. But really, I find myself coming up with only one major bullet point repeatedly. That, there is a an entire generation of folk, my father being a proud constituent, who are […]
The 2010 Bucket List
There are things that I do, and more significantly things that I don’t do, that often make me ponder for a purpose for the next day. Given the fragility of life and the microscopic impact that the majority of us have on this world, I concluded that it might be easy to cater to thyself […]
Once upon a question
They say that most people are searchers, but unfortunately they don’t know what they are searching for. We search for that to be great moment, the fulfilling job, the wonderful spouse, the miracle cure, the purpose of being, and sometimes even for the meaning of the soul. Some searches end with victory at the finish […]

Four for Darfur
Two sundays ago, there was a rally for Darfur/Africa in my suburb. For the love of live music, excited townsfolk and the cheap thrill of being part of a rally, I participated for an entire block before realizing the pointlessness of the whole exercise. It just happened that the person walking next to me, carrying […]
A month in the microcosm
It is hard to imagine how fast a month can rush by. Once upon a high-not-so-long-ago, I had promised myself that I would blog more regularly and even boldly proclaimed that I would not become one of the 90% of people that blog their gut out for one month before fading into ether. My reason […]