Verbose during the day, laconic at night; always on the crossroads, always on the straight path; fast talking, slow listening; big dreams, small actions; interested in the world, interested in the self; a little ambitious, a little cautious; mostly creative, sometimes sarcastic; left-leaning, right-sympathetic; always curious, never revealing; hopeless romantic, downright realist; large ego, larger heart; sometimes indian, mostly human.
Blogs I Follow
Daily Obsession
- Chilmark Research
- HealthBlawg :: David Harlow's Health Care Law Blog
- The Healthcare IT Blog
- Neil Versel's Healthcare IT Blog
- Health Populi
- phil baumann online
- Shaun's Cracked Compass
- Healthcare & Technology
- Bob on Medical Device Software
- HIStalk
- The Healthcare IT Guy
- Found In Cache
- HealthBlog
- News
- HIStalkPractice
- Health Wonk Review
- Candid CIO
- Running a hospital
- The Health Care Blog
- Life as a Healthcare CIO
Interesting People
- With Great Power comes Great Response.write("Ability")
- Coding4Fun
- ScottGu's Blog
- DotNetSlackers Latest ASP.NET News in Category ASP.NET
- Rick Strahl's Web Log
- Rob Chartier ~ Contemplation...
- K. Scott Allen
- Nikhil Kothari's Weblog
- Managed Care Matters
- Scott On Writing.NET
- Beyond | IT
- Scott Hanselman
Travel Blogs
- Over Yonderlust
- Adventurous Kate
- Ali's Adventures
- A Montrealer Abroad
- My Beautiful Adventures
- Healthcare Standards
- Living the Dream
- Art of Backpacking
- Budget Travel Adventures
- Expat Edna
- Twenty-Something Travel
- sateless suitcase
- Wonderful Wanderings
- Just Chuckin It! | Travel & Lifestyle Blog
- Hannah and the World
- City Gal on the go!
- Grounded Traveler
- Caroline in the City Travel Blog
- Overland Travel Adventures from Go, See, Write