The 2012 Travelogue – Tokyo – Part 3
Still in Ginza, from the Kabuki theater, we walked fifteen minutes towards the water until we reached Tsukiji fish market. It was basically a large industrial looking block of warehouses which smelled more fishy than any fish market I have been in. Typically, people wake up at 3am to get into the market and observe […]
The 2012 Travelogue – Tokyo – Part 2
Tokyo is notorious for its population density and hence its ultra expensive hotel rooms. Our hotel, Oak Hotel, a tiny building on a side alley, was a all-nipponese claustrophobic-ally fun establishment. We had two feet of air on only one side of the bed and glad that we gave up suitcases years ago. The one […]
The 2012 Travelogue – Tokyo – Part 1
Of all the countries I have had the good fortune to visit, Japan is probably the most unique countries both in terms of people and culture. It is unfortunate that I had a bare five days in this beautiful land for I could easily spend a month just in Tokyo and still experience just a […]
The 2011 Travelougue – Milan
My one day in Milan was more of a layover than a visit, but our first encounter with Italy was both eventful and memorable. Milan was our first Italian stop, a good six hour train ride from Spiez, Switzerland. The first class train carriage was almost empty and the ride was uneventful as we relaxed […]
The 2011 Travelogue – Brussels
Its been a few weeks since I went on whirlwind tour of Europe, yet the perils of everyday life are already chipping away at my beloved memories. So I decided that its an appropriate time to blow the dust off this blog, and make my memories permanent, if nothing else they should give me a […]
No City Left Behind
Just marveling at another perk of being married – I have a great travel buddy. Give our current short-term employment situation forcing us to live apart, I am beginning to think this is somewhat of a blessing in disguise, for we are both equally exhilirated that we get to meet-up in a different place every […]
2010 March 13th – The Green River
I was in Chicago for St.Patrick’s; there we go, now I don’t feel that bad for skipping my local friends who are busily intoxicating in the local Irish pubs. The green river was worth it, yes it was, who in their lives get to see a damned river go green for a day, that would […]